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ChekRite Portal
Getting Started
Logging In & Out of the ChekRite Portal
Managing Your Sites
Managing Assets
Managing Asset Documentation
Managing Users
User Roles and Access
Managing Your Devices
Managing Groups
10 Steps to Building a Checklist
Creating a New Checklist
Setting Up the Structure of Your Checklist
Extra Info
Fail Weights & Scores
Reviewing Your Checklist
Testing Your Checklist
Publishing Your Checklist
Assigning a Checklist to an Asset Class
Assigning Warnings & Manuals
Modifying a Checklist
Customising ChekRite
ChekRite App
Getting Started
Downloading ChekRite on your Phone or Tablet
Updating ChekRite
Logging In & Out
ChekRite Dashboard
Welcome to your ChekRite Demo
Starting an Inspection
Adding assets on the fly
Resetting the ChekRite App
ChekMate App
Reading ChekRite PDFs
When building checklists it's often useful to generate a PDF version of the full checklist for you to verify the checklist.
Sub-Check Terminology Guide
Here are some suggested standard adjectives for use in sub-checks to better describe faults and greatly enhance the reporting on issues across your entire asset range: Structural Broken Cracked Bent…
Visual Examples of Response Types
There are several base controls built into ChekRite. You can also create your own custom controls. The base controls can not be edited by you but if you need to make a system-wide change to a base co…
Filtering by Dates
Filtering by dates in the ChekRite portal is incredibly flexible and powerful. Using our date filters you can narrow down the records displayed to find the records that you need. You can save these d…