ChekRite Portal
Getting Started
Logging In & Out of the ChekRite Portal
Managing Your Sites
Managing Assets
Managing Asset Documentation
Managing Users
User Roles and Access
Managing Your Devices
Managing Groups
10 Steps to Building a Checklist
Creating a New Checklist
Setting Up the Structure of Your Checklist
Extra Info
Fail Weights & Scores
Reviewing Your Checklist
Testing Your Checklist
Publishing Your Checklist
Assigning a Checklist to an Asset Class
Assigning Warnings & Manuals
Modifying a Checklist
Customising ChekRite
ChekRite App
Getting Started
Downloading ChekRite on your Phone or Tablet
Updating ChekRite
Logging In & Out
ChekRite Dashboard
Welcome to your ChekRite Demo
Starting an Inspection
Adding assets on the fly
Resetting the ChekRite App
ChekMate App
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- Getting Started
- 🎬 Start Here
🎬 Start Here
by Jordan Millar
Before you dive in and start using ChekRite, it's really important that you think about what you ultimately want out of it. The few minutes that you spend designing how you will use ChekRite will make your reporting better, your maintenance simpler and ultimately allow you to capture better quality information.
Don't worry! This is not going to be a days-long exercise. Some of these decisions take only a few minutes.
The key areas that you need to think about are:
Just click on the links of the items above to get more information on each.